Paoli, PA [PAO]
Train arrival and departure updates for Paoli, PA (unofficial) follows. Click on the three dots for more detail. Trains move down the lists.
Arriving Trains
- 22:30 Keystone 657, 1m lt more_vert
- New York [NYP] → Harrisburg [HAR]
- Ar sch. 22:29, est. 22:30 01/21
- Dp sch. 22:30, est. 22:30 01/21
- 22:29 Keystone 622, on tm more_vert
- Harrisburg [HAR] → Philadelphia [PHL]
- Ar sch. 22:29, est. 22:29 01/21
- Dp sch. 22:30, est. 22:30 01/21
- 21:18 Keystone 620, 5m lt more_vert
- Harrisburg [HAR] → Philadelphia [PHL]
- Ar est. 21:18 01/21
- Dp sch. 21:13, est. 21:19 01/21
- 19:08 Keystone 653, on tm more_vert
- New York [NYP] → Harrisburg [HAR]
- Ar est. 19:08 01/21
- Dp sch. 19:08, est. 19:09 01/21
Departed Trains
- 20:07 Keystone 658 more_vert
- Harrisburg [HAR] → New York [NYP]
- Ar sch. 19:53, act. 20:05 01/21
- Dp sch. 19:55, act. 20:07 01/21
- 19:07 Keystone 656 more_vert
- Harrisburg [HAR] → New York [NYP]
- Ar sch. 18:58, act. 19:04 01/21
- Dp sch. 19:00, act. 19:07 01/21
- 18:43 Keystone 651 more_vert
- New York [NYP] → Harrisburg [HAR]
- Ar sch. 18:00, act. 18:41 01/21
- Dp sch. 18:02, act. 18:43 01/21
- 17:57 Keystone 654 more_vert
- Harrisburg [HAR] → New York [NYP]
- Ar sch. 17:50, act. 17:54 01/21
- Dp sch. 17:52, act. 17:57 01/21
- 17:16 Keystone 649 more_vert
- New York [NYP] → Harrisburg [HAR]
- Ar act. 17:14 01/21
- Dp sch. 17:08, act. 17:16 01/21
- 16:35 Keystone 652 more_vert
- Harrisburg [HAR] → New York [NYP]
- Ar sch. 16:27, act. 16:33 01/21
- Dp sch. 16:29, act. 16:35 01/21
- 13:19 Pennsylvanian 43 more_vert
- New York [NYP] → Pittsburgh [PGH]
- Ar sch. 13:10, act. 13:11 01/21
- Dp sch. 13:12, act. 13:19 01/21
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Last updated Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 17:56:10 PST